Introduction Technology
Waste reduction &
    resource recovery facility
Drying carbonization
Steam drying
Fermentation disposal
Resource recycling
Pellet fuel
Gas / compost
Manufactured Product

> Technology > Pellet fuel

This technology makes use of heat generated by using and combusting pellet fuel made from melting nonrenewable high-caloric waste plastic as a fuel of the pellet combustion burner.

Form of technologies
  • Drum-rotation melting method

    Principle of technologies
    • After pellet is made by melting crushed waste plastic, the pellet is combusted at the temperature of 1,000~1,300¡É inside the combustion burner in the processes of liquefaction -> evaporation -> ignition.

    ¡Ø Pellet fuel
    - It is a fuel of a certain size made with the process of extrusion molding of soft plastic such as LDPE and PS.
    - It is a fuel of a certain size made with the process of crushing of hard plastic such as PETE, HEPE, and PP.

    ¡Û Note) Analysis results of Korea Testing Laboratory
    Division Caloric value Division Proportion of ingredients
    Drying caloric value 10,915.1kcal/kg Moisture 0.33%
    Higher caloric value 10,897.1kcal/kg Combustiblecomponent 98.67%
    Lower caloric value 10,092.0kcal/kg Ash content 1.00%

    Technology applications
  • Electric power generation by a pellet combustion burner

    Characteristics of technologies
    • Automation
      - Automation of fuel supply and operation
    • Perfect combustion
      - Steps of liquefaction -> Evaporation and ignition -> perfect combustion
      - Suppression of generation of secondary pollutants (Dioxine, hydride, sulfur oxides, and so on)
    • Compatibility
      - It is possible to use it mixed with diesel and kerosene. (Thermal efficiency is over 90%)
      - It is possible to automatically change when an error occurs while using pellet fuel.
    • Resource recycling system
      - Substitute for fossil fuel
      - High economic feasibility through CDM business
      - Making profits through the recycling of waste plastic

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